The Holidays are here! This holiday season, support your local dog shelters and rescues. Nevertheless, they are in need of support all year round. Even if you make a donation, volunteer some time, or adopt a fur pup, you will find so much joy in giving a helping hand for the holidays!
Adopting a Furry Friend
It can be as simple as:
Finding a shelter in your area
Choosing a pup
Understanding the "3 3 3 Rule"
Whether you rescue an older dog or a puppy, a lot of dogs tend to follow the 3-3-3 rule when getting acclimated: 3 days of feeling overwhelmed and nervous. 3 weeks of settling in. 3 months of building trust and bonding with you. Here are a few tips to make the adoption process easier:
Prepare Yourself and Your Family.
Spend Time With Them Before You Bring Them Home.
Set Up a Space Just For Them.
Pet Proof Your Home.
Find a Local Veterinarian.
Look Into Pet Insurance.
Plan to Introduce Them to Other Pets.
Find a Good Dog Trainer.

Volunteering Some Time
We are crazy about dogs as you are. Dogs require a lot of services which is why they rely on the help of volunteers. Volunteering fills in the gaps of needed services and is a great way to gain experience in taking care of our furry friends. From daily chores to giving pets a little love and attention, your time and assistance are greatly appreciated, both by shelter workers and the furry residents.
Not every task will be as entertaining as giving belly rubs or playing fetch but by volunteering your time, you are enhancing the lives and surroundings of the animals, which is something to feel good about! Who knows? You may discover that the gift of quality time is a gift you want to keep giving even after the holidays are over.
Make a Donation
Shelters are deprived of supplies that warrant them to furnish and nourish the daily care and health of their animals. Contemplate making a financial donation to your local shelter or donating supplies such as food, cleaners, detergents, or even toys and treats! Check with your local shelters or rescues ahead of time to see what supplies they may need the most.
Not able to shop for supplies? Give the gift of comfort and coziness! If you have gently used blankets, towels, or pet beds that are no longer in use, go ahead and donate them to a shelter or animal rescue near you. Here are some other examples of items to donate:
Wet/dry food for dogs and cats
Kitty litter
Potty pads
Gently used blankets or pet beds
Cleaning supplies (laundry detergent, towels, wipes, etc.)
Pet Shampoo

Holiday Cheer for a Fur Peer!
Donate a gift, volunteer with cuddles, hot cocoa, and a Pup-Puccino, or adopt from your local animal shelter for the holidays. Search for animal shelters near you to find out where you can donate, give the gift of your time, or welcome a new pet into your family!