Open Your Heart To Shelter Animal Today

The Dog House helps rescue organizations who find themselves in a bind and need to kennel a dog, be it just for a day or for months. The rescue rate is 15.00 a day (substantially less then our normal rate of 40.00) and is 400 a month and all food and care is provided by The Dog House for that price. (Check back soon for pictures and stories of our available dogs)
The Humaine Societies and Animal Shelters do their best to alleviate the pain and suffering of animals. However many of them are full and overflowing. Scarlett Bowman has a passion for all animals from chickens to pit bull dogs. She uses a portion of her farm to help find pit bulls
and other behavior issue dogs which need additional attention, responsible and loving homes.
Contact Us If Your Interested In Adopting A Dog
Adopting a rescue dog comes with a lot of challenges and we’ve compiled a checklist to help make the transition as smooth as possible.
Adopting a rescue dog comes with a lot of challenges and we’ve compiled a checklist to help make the transition as smooth as possible.

Do you have any other dogs and how will they react to a new dog?
Is your current residence suited to the dog you’re considering?
How will your social life or work obligations affect your ability to care for a dog?
Do you have a plan for your new dog during vacations and/or work travel?
How do the people you live with feel about having a dog in the house?
Are you (or your spouse, partner or roommate) intolerant of hair, dirt and other realities of sharing your home with a dog, such as allergies?
Do you or any of your household members have health issues that may be affected by a dog?
What breed of dog is the best fit with your current lifestyle?
Is there tension in the home? Dogs quickly pick up on stress in the home, and it can exacerbate their health and behavior problems.
What do you expect your dog to contribute to your life? For example, do you want a running and hiking buddy, or is your idea of exercise watching it on TV?
Can you train and handle a dog with behavior issues or are you looking for an easy-going friend?
Do you need a dog who will be reliable with children or one you can take with you when you travel?
Do you want a dog who follows you all around the house or would you prefer a less clingy, more independent character?
What size dog can your home accommodate?
What size dog would suit the other people who live in or visit your home regularly?
How Can We Help

Many people ask us how they can help. We accept donations of certain items that would benefit our organization. We have compiled a list of items that would be useful. If you have any questions regarding such a donation feel free to contact us.
Donations for general expenses
Simple Green - Gallon Size
Gently used towels and washcloths
Dry Dog Food (preferably grain free food and no dog food from china)
Dog toys (Please NO toys from China, due to lead concerns.)
Bathroom cleaner
Air freshener - spray and solids
Laundry detergent and fabric softener
Cleaners - multi purpose
Rubber Gloves
Hand Sanitizer
Dish Detergent
Long Term Board
Need A Temporary Home
Common Reasons for Long Term Board
Moving temporarily to a no-pets apartment, or currently keeping a dog in a no-pets apartment and the landlord found out
Military deployment
Unemployment / layoffs
Medical issues (major surgery, hospitalization)
Fire or natural disaster
Domestic abuse
We make room when circumstances are out of your control
We are willing to help someone out who is in need of a long term board if they have considered the questions listed above and know that they can take back on responsibility of the pet within a reasonable set period of time. A discount will be given to those in need and a meeting would have to be set up with the owner to discuss the arrangement. But we are always here to try and help any responsible pet owner find ways of keeping your dog.
Shelters and rescues are filled to overflowing and often do not have any foster homes available. If they do have space, most will be hesitant to take an animal that they know they will have to keep for a long period of time without any possibility of placement. Your owned dog could, in effect, prevent the foster home from taking in and placing several shelter dogs that are scheduled to be euthanized. Please keep this in mind before becoming angry at a volunteer for not agreeing to take your dog.
In most cases, foster dogs do not live in kennels. They live inside the volunteer's house and are treated as one of his or her own pets. This is why the pet's medical and behavioral history are so important. Questions about the dog's age, sex, size, temperament, and training are vital because they help the foster care provider to determine whether that pet can be safely integrated into the home.
Are you sure you will be able to care for your pet again within a reasonable period of time?
Do you have a plan in place to make it happen?
If not, you should find a new, permanent home for him. It's not fair to the dog (or to the foster care/boarding provider) to be stuck in limbo.